Experience the The Gallery in images and sound
Start the audio player below and then click the image below it to open the gallery. (You can download the audio by clicking the icon on the audio player.)
NEW!!! from The Gallery Series comes this beautiful audio delight…
“The Lady Bathing on a Rooftop” and “Asking the Shepherd” their stories and music woven back to back within this gorgeous musical narrative.
Explore The Gallery
The Gallery: Lady Bathing on a Rooftop (painting #1)
The Gallery: Asking the Shepherd (painting #2)
The Gallery: Meeting the Gypsies (painting #3)
Rehearsal Peeks
The Book is Here!
About The Gallery
A project seven years in the making leaps onto the page as musician/composer Natalie Twigg brings us a poignant story that weaves within her evocative music.
With painter Todd Alexander they created the twelve pieces of artwork; a powerful collaboration between audio and visual artists.The premiere performance of The Gallery took place on the 26th of October, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia. Whilst telling the story and playing the piano, Natalie was joined by the singing voices of The Gallery Children as the concert realisation of this enchanting work drew to a close.
Natalie brings us a poignantly beautiful story of searching and renewal, as layer upon layer of the tale weaves within her evocative music. It’s set in a theatre with twelve pieces of artwork taking centre stage, Natalie’s friend and highly acclaimed artist, Todd Alexander, has created these twelve pieces of mellifluous artwork making a powerful audio and visual collaboration.
Creating The Gallery
Field trip to Susan Hayword’s grave site
As The Gallery is inspired by the biblical character, Bathsheba, it seemed fitting to visit the nearby grave of Susan Hayward who played the starring role alongside Gregory Peck in the 1951 most popular movie of the year, David and Bathsheba.