Natalie Twigg
with the Holywell School Choir
directed by Peter Easton

Project 1st painting, “Lady Bathing on a Rooftop”
(15 minutes approximately)
Cue prompt, to blackout projection:
Natalie: “…the crystal glass falls, smashing shards of white light, all goes black (fade to black) and there’s the thud…”
Slowly fade up 2nd painting, “Asking the Shepherd”
(14 minutes approximately)
Cue prompt, last song “Way Oh”:
Natalie: “…somehow somehow it came back to me… an old shepherd…”
Hear the final notes clear and fade up third painting, “Meeting the Travelers”
At the very end after the applause and the audience is moving, please begin a 30 second per image rotation of the 12 paintings accompanied by the audio of “The Gallery: The Core Story.” (below)
Make a Snow Angel and let it fade
the snow had melted and the angel has stayed
A little boy named Christopher lay down in the snow,
flapping his arms and legs wildly and nowhere seemed to go,
what are you doing Christopher? for goodness sakes get up,
I looked down at the imprint, my whole heart warmed up.
Make a snow angel and let it fade
the snow has melted and the angel has stayed
Like crazy kids we sprawled around our arms and legs a flapping,
jumping up and falling down shouting with joy and laughing.
Even now when I’m all alone and snow is on the ground,
I fall down and flap my limbs knowing angels are around.
Make a snow angel and let it fade,
the snow has melted and the angel has stayed.
Make a snow angel and make a wish of love peace and joy,
an angelic kiss…..
Holly Red and mistletoe white,
The stars are shining with golden light,
Burning like candles, this Holy Night
Holly red and mistletoe white.
Mistletoe white and holly red
The doors are shut and the children a-bed.
fairies at foot and angels at head.
Mistletoe white and holly red.
Ya Teir ghanny ghanny
Ala janahak tayyerny
wad’deeny lilbesatenn
ashrab mai, akol teen
shrab mai, akol teen
Farrehny farhat el’eed
labbesny thawby aljadeed
kol mayreed, baba yereed
kol mayreed, baba yereed
O bird sing sing
carried on your wing let me fly
take me to the fields
to drink water, eat figs
to drink water, eat figs
Let me feel the happiness of the Eid
Let me wear my new dress
(not quite sure.. maybe..) I want, father also wants
Se essa rua
Se essa rua fosse minha
Eu mandava
Eu mandava ladrilhar
com pedrinhas
com pedrinhas de brilhante
para o meu para o meu amor passar
Nessa rua
Nessa rua tem um bosque
que se charma
que se chama solidao
dentro dele
dentro dele mora um anjo
que roubou
que roubou meu coracao
Se eu roubei
se eu roubei teu coracao
tu roubaste
tu roubaste o meu tambem
se eu roubei
se eu roubei teu coracao
e porque
e porque te quero bem
were mine this road
I’d have it encrusted
with gems of diamonds
* so my love could pass
In this road
there’s a bush
whose name is
where in dwells
an angel
who has stolen
my heart
As i have stolen
your heart
so you have
stolen mine
If I have stolen
your heart
* It was because
I love you.
Kisa pada
trava raste
gora zeleni
U toj gori
raste drvo
tanko visoko
pod nyim sjedi
dj evojcica
bratec pohranje
Rain falls
grass grows
mountains turn green
In the forest
a tall tree is growing
thin and tall
under it sits
a girl
next to her little brother
(with kind permission from Rene Bendali)
Ghassil wijjak ya amar bissaboony wil haajar
weinak ya amar
am ghassil wijjee!
mashit shaarak ya amar wil misht el-helu nkassaar
weinak ya amar
am mashit shaaree!
Tal el-amar wil amar andeel kbeer maalla’ bishajaar
wishajaar aalee aalee kteer
tal el-amar
wil amar andeel kbeer
maala’ bishajaar
wishajaar aalee aalee kteer
ya amar dawwy
ya amar dawwy
addinee dawwy
addinee dawwy
W baddi minnak ya amar tikroj aghsoon
eshajaar w tinzal addabky
Inzal addabky?
wash your face oh moon with soap and stone
where are you moon?
I’m washing my face!
brush your hair oh moon and the pretty comb got broken
where are you moon?
I’m brushing my hair!
The moon has appeared and the moon is a very large lantern
hanging up on the trees and the trees are very tall
oh moon shine
all over the world shine
and I want you oh moon to slide over the tree branches
and come down and join the dance
come down and join the dance?
Aissera, nannine, me ne sagliete
Tu saie addo
Addo sto core ngrato chiu dispiete
farme non po
Addo llo fuoco coce ma si fuje
te lassa sta
E non te corre appriesso non te struje
sulo a guarda
jammo jammo ncoppa jammo ja
jammo jammo ncoppa jammo ja
funiculi funicula
ncoppa jammo ja funiculi funicula
Ne.. jammo: da la terra a la montagna
no passo nc’e;
Se vede Francia, Proceta, LaSpagna
E io veco a te.
Tirate co lli fune nnitto, nfatto
Ncielo se va
se va comm’a llo viento, a l’antrasatto,
gue, saglie, sa
yesterday evening. my love, I went up
do you know where?
where this ungrateful heart cannot spite
me anymore.
where the fire burns, but if you flee
it let’s you be
and it doesn’t chase you, it doesn’t burn you
to see the sky
let’s go up to the top, let’s go
funicular up! funicular down!
let’s go from the earth to the mountaintop
without walking
We can see France, Procida and Spain
and I can see you.
pulled by a rope, no sooner said than done
we’ll go to heaven
it goes like the wind suddenly,
up up up…
Attention avec affection
maintenant, maintenant
voice les nieges d’antan
Les pendules tictaquant les heures
qui passant
dans les coeurs bat la vie
Les secrets sacres sont confies
Les voeux saint sont accordes
savoire l’instant
attention with affection
now, now
here are the snows of yesteryear
clocks tick the hours
hearts beat life
holy secrets imparted
saintly wishes granted
savour the moment
tara maathe pare deem
tdadair khara duto shing
tara haatimmatimtim
they lay eggs in the field
they have two straight horns
they are Haattimatimtim
(with kind permission from Louise Pascale, author of Qu Qu Qu Barg-e-Chinaar, children’s songs from Afghanistan)
Setaara jaan, setaara jaan
cheshmak zanaan setaara jaan
Har shab ba maa qesah maygah
az Aasmaan seaara jaan
Gelaab wa neelofar rafeeq
sosan wa nasreen mayshan
Nastran wa benafsha ham
khuwaarhar yaasamin mayshan
Shab kay maysha har haft shaan
az gul beta paayeen mayshan
mayran da aasmaan baalaa
setaara (e) parween mayshan
little star, little star,
twinkling little star
every night it tells us a story
of the starlight sky
Rose and lily are friends
with Iris and Aquila
Eglantine and Violet are
sisters with Jasmine.
when night falls, all the seven sisters (the constellation Pleiades)
come out like blossoms on a bush
and rise to the high heaven
becoming bright as venus
Elo, Elo aduk pe
Elo, Elo aduk pe
Asa Asa kiniloo
Elo, Elo aduk pe nu zo lo
Oo nu zo le oo fumi loo
no translation remains known.
Godeureum Godeureum
Soo jung Godeureum
Godeureum ttadaga
bahleul yukkuseo
Gaakshibaang youngchaange
icicle icicle
crystal like icicle
pick the icicle
and make icicle shades
dress the windows
of the bride’s room.
Duermete, nino, duerme
Duerme, mi alma,
Duermete, lucerito
De la manana.
Nanita, nana, Nanita nana,
Duermete, lucerito
De la manana
Go to sleep little child
Sleep, my soul
Go to sleep little star
of the morning
sleep little star
of the morning