The Gallery: “Meeting the Gypsies” (painting #3)

My dear friend from college days, Charles Mutter, has known of The Gallery as I was working on it. His gorgeous photography of yew trees caught my eye and inspired me. A stunning, soulful violinist, Charles offered to record something for it… so grateful..  the gypsy theme called out!

You are in for a treat! Enjoy these little peeks… and thank you so very much Charles.

Several years ago when Aurora Consort was in full force I had a dream that we were on a beautiful Italian island, lots of white buildings with pale blue touches. We were playing this Tarantella… when I woke up I tried to ignore everything until I’d got it happily remembered and written out! Charles Mutter so graciously recorded this version, I’m so excited to bring his violin and viola to the score! Thank You Charles once again!


Rehearsal Peeks

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