Cathedral Whispers

“Cathedral Whispers” is Natalie’s collection of oboe improvisations centered around beloved hymn tunes within a candlelit vespers setting. The mood is set for a calm and peaceful focus as Natalie quietly wanders around playing from the different areas of the building often unseen.

For booking information please contact Natalie.

A little snippet whilst hunting for a space to record “Cathedral Whispers 🙂
Another little snippet, in another beautiful, whilst hunting for a space to record “Cathedral Whispers”

“Stunning…. Natalie’s compositions have a unique charm and etheral quality which touches the soul.”

Hilary Robinson
Radio Producer, BBC Radio 2

” – a very uplifting piece of music which transports one into the presence of God in a way that words on their own often can’t. I love the serenity and poise of the music.”

Sue Field, Chaplain to HR Elizabeth II
Church of England
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